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The new Webeaser

Virtual Desktop 2.0

An online PC to Aggregate all your web contents!

The Webeaser Virtual Desktop 2.0 is a fully featured content aggregator that acts as on ONLINE PC: Clouds are your Hard Disks, Websites and Webapps are your programs and Webeaser is your OS . Aggregate your resources and web resources in a unique pc-like environment.

Virtual Desktop 2.0

An online PC!

Display Clouds contents as PC folders and files and perform all common filesystem operations (create, delete, upload, download, etc...). Copy or move files between different clouds jusy by drag and drop.
Use webapplications as programs inside the webeaser virtual desktop environment and work on your files.

Virtual Desktop 2.0

Aggregate web resources

Load any iframeable URL inside the webeaser virtual desktop environment and aggregate different contents on a single layout.

Virtual Desktop 2.0

Work on your files!

You can use cloud's applications, bind web applications to files type or create standalone applications of websites. Work on your files directly inside the webeaser environment.

Also check out our Seamless Presentations Creator

Seamless Presentations 1.0

Ease your communication.
Amaze your audience.

The best online tool to create seamless, animated and interactive live Presentations, Infographics, Websites and much more...

watch some examples

Seamless Presentations 1.0


You can use Webeaser to create Presesentation, Infographics, Websites, Virtual Desktop but also Applications Interfaces, OnStore Shows and any kind of project where the main purpose is showing contents in an engaging and impacting way.

Seamless Presentations 1.0

Seamless and Animated.

Contents are placed in a single limitless environment and are shown seamlessly and animated within a path.

Seamless Presentations 1.0

Import any resource.

Displayed contents are real DOM objects (no canvas) so you can import also live websites and custom html/JS pages.

Seamless Presentations 1.0

Create contents inside webeaser.

Create Texts, Symbols, Shapes, Tables, Buttons, Charts and more or use customizable templates to fast create any project.

Seamless Presentations 1.0

Interactive paths.

Create multiple paths and let the user drive its experience interacting with the project.

Seamless Presentations 1.0

Publish worldwide.

Created projects (presentations, infographics, websites, etc...) are immediately available with their own URL and can be viewed with any HTML5 compliant browser/device.

Seamless Presentations 1.0

Present in real time.

You can drive your presentation on your audience devices in real time. Users that will visit your project (with a specific address) will see your project driven by you.

For example you can set a chat/videochat session (with any external service) and drive your presentation on users browsers as they are listening to you.


Please feel free to contact us for any reason, you can also send us an email to or send us a message through our webeaser facebook page.

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Milano - Italy
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