WEBEASER LANDING PAGE: seamless, interactive presentations and infographics.

Ease your communication. Amaze your audience.



The New Webeaser Virtual Desktop

We are developing the new Webeaser Virtual Desktop and are about to release it.
Contact us if you want to be informed as soon as it is available.

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We will contact you as soon as it is ready and to thank you for your patience we will offer you a dedicated membership.

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webeaser feature 1
Seamless and animated

Contents are placed in a single limitless environment and are shown seamlessly and animated within a path.

webeaser feature 2
Import any content (even websites)

Import any content. Displayed contents are real HTML DOM objects (no canvas) so you can import also live websites and custom html/JS pages.

webeaser feature 3
Create in Webeaser

Create Texts, Symbols, Shapes, Tables, Buttons, Charts and more or use customizable templates to fast create any project.

webeaser feature 4
Create Multiple Paths

Create multiple paths and let the user drive its experience interacting with the project.

webeaser feature 5
Immediately Available

Created projects (presentations, infographics, websites, etc...) are immediately available with their own URL and can be viewed with any HTML5 compliant browser/device.

Drive your presentation

You can drive your presentation on your audience devices in real time. Users that will visit your project (with a specific address) will see your project driven by you.

webeaser feature 7
Use as as Virtual Dekstop

Use webeaser as a virtual desktop: an online PC where clouds are your hard disks, web applications are your programs and webeaser is your OS.

webeaser feature 8
Much more...

You can use Webeaser to create Presesentation, Infographics, Websites, Virtual Desktop but also Applications Interfaces, OnStore Shows and any kind of project where the main purpose is showing contents in an engaging and impacting way.


click on a thumbnail to view the example
webeaser example: Medical01
webeaser example: intro
webeaser example: WhitePresentation
webeaser example: trees
webeaser example: tech1
webeaser example: Classic Website
webeaser example:Business_02
webeaser example: vacation-1
webeaser example: SeamlessWebsite
webeaser example: Web_02
webeaser example: MyFirstPresentation
webeaser example: Next One
webeaser example: simply
webeaser example: PoleInfographic
webeaser example: Pres01
webeaser example: SimplePresentation
webeaser example: Business_01

How does it work?

play it!

Be Creative!

Webeaser is a content visualizer able to show any kind of content, anyhow. This means that you can create a lot of different projects with different purposes where contents visualization is your main objective. Here are some ideas but let your creativity find new ones!

webeaser user interfaces

Presentations, pitch, infographics

Amaze your audience with a seamless, dynamic, enaging presentation/infographic. Access online with any browser/device, embed it in your website or download the offline version.

webeaser user interfaces

Seamless Websites

By adding interactivity you can let the user drive its experience and navigate through your contents as in a website. By importing custom HTML/HS files you can achieve any required functionality.

webeaser user interfaces

In store promotional shows

Create promotional video for your store. The creation process is very easy and can be done by anyone. Show your products in an animated path. Projects are played on PCs and tablet, hardware costs are thus very low.

webeaser user interfaces

Advanced portfolios

Show your works in a unique environment. Engage users with animations and dynamic presentations of your contents. You can even drop reflexes and shadows.

webeaser user interfaces

Manuals and instructions infographics

Create easily and fast infographics that show and explain instructions or other useful informations about your products. Embed them in your website. Can be viewed also on mobile devices.

webeaser user interfaces


Create graphic animated surveys. Users can interact and explore different paths. User interaction can be monitored.

webeaser user interfaces

User Interfaces

Use webeaser as a user interface for any web application / project. Import custom HTML/JS to code specific behaviours, user webeaser APIs to interact and control the webeaser environment.

Presentations and Infographics benefits

Presentations, pitches, infographics are one of the best way to present, explain, show data or contents:

  • Face-to-face: a presentation provides an opportunity to meet your customers and prospects in person. Face-to-face meetings help to build trust and strengthen relationships.
  • Engagement: presentations make it easier to engage your audience. The theatrical nature of a presentation can create greater impact than an individual trying to make the same point by just talking.
  • Flexibility: flexibility is an important benefit of presentations. You can change content quickly and easily to incorporate new information or to modify a presentation for different audiences.
  • Consistency: creating a standard presentation helps to ensure that different people in a company communicate information in a consistent way.
  • Versatility: presentations are a versatile communication tool. You can use them in one-to-one meetings, viewing the content on a laptop or tablet computer. The same presentation can feature as a core element in a large meeting, using a projector and screen. You can also make presentations available online for downloading from the Internet or viewing during a Web conference.
    source Chron
But webeaser offers even more benefits:
  • Seamless: contents are shown seamlessly. There are no separated pages shown in sequence. In webeaser everything happens in a single environment and you navigate from a set of contents to another. The seamless navigation provide even more engagement and allows you to create visual effects to impress your audience.
  • Animated: contents are animated providing a 'live' effect to your contents and allowing you to create sequences of animations that engage users and let you better explain your points.
  • Interactive: any content can be interactive and trigger other animations or contents presentations. This allows you to create different paths in a single presentation/infographic or let the user drive its experience.
  • Live: you can import real live websites or html/js pages allowing you to show up-to-date contents and aggregate more external resources in a single view.
  • Global: webeasr projects can be seen with any HTML5 compliant browser (see performances) everyhwere in the world. No need to download/buy software.

Creating presentations/infographics in webeaser is very easy and fast, everyone can do it. Register now for free to immediately start creating your projects or watch some examples here.

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© 2019 eXperience
p.iva 07876590964
Milano - Italy
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